Selasa, 14 Mei 2019

Toqqn platform- Tokenizing the Social Media and Making it Great and Better

Indeed information is power and if you really want be the relevant in any place of the society, and any other field, then you need information to stand out and be steps ahead of others. So many people have lost millions of money investing in the cryptocurrency simply because they good information of the projects they invested in. It's worthy to note that crypto investments which are online investments based on the blockchain technology are very much profitable, but without the proper knowledge, things can go the other way round. After a thorough study on the issues bothering the exchange markets today, and going through the materials of most exchange platforms, we very confident to present to you one of cryptocurenccy finest social media project-Toqqn.

Indeed Toqqn project is superb, it is the most transparent, extensible and unbreakable platform. Two “good heads” indeed they say is better than one, this is why Toqqn platform is built on great solid Technologies- conventional and blockchain technology in ensuring that anyone, from anywhere, get the opportunity to participate in the crypto economy without any financial barrier to entry. Also, with introduction of blockchain technology the system is decentralized.

By statistics, the social media users have tremendously skyrocketed since 2010 which is anticipated to hit about 2.77 by 2019. The increase in these users translates to great market opportunities for social media platforms which decide to be outstanding.

Challenges with Traditional Social media Platforms

Despite the wide usage of social media platforms, so many challenges are encountered everyday by these users. Some of these problems including the issue of centralization, for instance the Facebook ,the Whatsapp, the Instagram even the poplar Twitter are all being owned by few groups of business gladiators, as such, so much power is concentrated in the hands of just a few companies.

Meanwhile, apart from the issue of centralization, the traditional social media does not in any way support users’ privacy, security and is flooded with all manners of annoying ads. When we sign into social media, we simply have handed over personal data to apps designed expressly to scrape not only our own data, but also the data of our contacts - all because we are eager for the dopamine hit we get from answering a silly quiz.

The Solution

As said earlier in the intro, Toqqn Platform is the world finest social media platform introduced to put a final full-stop to the problems enlisted above. The Toqqn Platform is a free, decentralized alternative platform that respects users’ privacy, and disallows advertising time. The platform has the mission of creating a private and secure experience for social media users - decentralizing user data but lacks the adequate technology to achieving full decentralized system, and this led to combination of the two best conventional and blockchain technology.

Advantages of Using Toqqn Platform

With Toqqn platform, users’ privacy comes by default. The server contains no user’s information which mean no data can be used for any form of advertisement as it is seen the traditional platforms. The users of the platform will enjoy a 100% ad free experience supported by sales of our crypto (TQN). Additional revenue to support the platform will come from user fees for our marketplace. Crypto to the People will receive rewards points which can be exchanged for our crypto tokens. By this, anyone, regardless of financial standing can own crypto by sharing content on our platform.

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Username: rachman mahesa
Bitcointalk Profile:;u=1056290
Telegram: @RachmanMahesa